Modeling Chart Metrics.

Sébastien Janaud - May 23, 2015 - updated june 2017 / Samples

Metrics Feature

Metrics chart modeling is a very important topic and left me sometimes confused. How to solve metrics fast, readable, at any time and for any range applying clear algorithms and models ? Most of time, range is known in advance then metrics can be flow more easily but at different times or under different circumstances modeling metrics may be difficult to manage. As a user, I would use transforms tools. For example zoom part of projection and translate my chart. This transform has resulted in an asymmetrical and unknown range. Under the intended transforms conditions solvers have to deal with large or small frame number and should intent to produce accurate user metrics. JenScript provides varying approaches according to user context. All metrics is the result of solver based on models such as exponent, timing, flow or free models. Not only logic solvers, metrics plugin provides some physical properties such as nature, offset, size, tick, transforms that also being considered.

Learn : javascript metrics plugin source

Parts : Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6