Stock chart are graphical representations of historical stock prices which help to determine current supply and demand forces in a stock market exchange. In stock and commodity markets trading, studying chart patterns plays a large role during technical analysis. Analysis of stock chart allows a trader to determine with more accuracy just what the current supply and demand is in a stock. JenScript does support common indicators and overlays such as ohlc, candle stick, moving average, sma, ema, wma, macd, bollinger bands, time picker, etc.
A candlestick chart is a style of financial chart used to describe price movements of a security, derivative, or currency. Each "candlestick" typically shows one day; so for example a one month chart may show the 20 trading days as 20 "candlesticks". It is like a combination of line-chart and a bar-chart: each bar represents all four important pieces of information for that day: the open, the close, the high and the low.
Register plugin StockPlugin
in view projection. Add Stock
in plugin then register layouts like CandleStickLayer
as indicators of these stocks on period.
Resource : wikipedia - sample source code - slv historical prices - Stock Web Worker - Stock Loader
Learn : javascript stock plugin sources
Part : Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8
Related : Modeling Chart Metrics
For this case study, we lookup historical stock prices at nasdaq market. For example 'slv' which is The iShares Silver Trust (the 'Trust') seeks to reflect generally the performance of the price of silver. Go in historical menu section and after re order this history we have slv historical prices split by years.
Stock item is defined by properties :
Non blocking UI process supposes we are using web work that loads asynchronously each historical data parts. we can use this stock worker that provides the data download processing and the stock loader that manages the loaded data.
A candlestick chart is a style of financial chart used to describe price movements of a security, derivative, or currency. Each "candlestick" typically shows one day; so for example a one month chart may show the 20 trading days as 20 "candlesticks". It is like a combination of line-chart and a bar-chart: each bar represents all four important pieces of information for that day: the open, the close, the high and the low.
First prepare HTML document.
<div style="padding-top: 20px;">
<div id="candlestickView"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
//action code
Let's create function
* Create candlestick view
* @param container
* @param width
* @param height
function createViewStockCandleStick(container, width, height) {
var view = new JenScript.View({
name : container,
width : width,
height : height,
holders : 20,
west : 80,
south : 80,
//date range
var startDate = new Date(2013, 09, 01);
var endDate = new Date(2013, 11, 01);
var proj1 = new JenScript.TimeXProjection({
cornerRadius : 6,
name : "proj1",
minXDate : startDate,
maxXDate : endDate,
minY : 19,
maxY : 24
//device outline
var outline = new JenScript.DeviceOutlinePlugin({color : 'darkslategrey'});
var minor = {
tickMarkerSize : 2,
tickMarkerColor : '#9b59b6',
tickMarkerStroke : 1
var median = {
tickMarkerSize : 4,
tickMarkerColor : '#d35400',
tickMarkerStroke : 1.2,
tickTextColor : '#d35400',
tickTextFontSize : 10
var major = {
tickMarkerSize : 8,
tickMarkerColor : '#2980b9',
tickMarkerStroke : 3,
tickTextColor : '#2980b9',
tickTextFontSize : 12,
tickTextOffset : 16
var southMetrics1 = new JenScript.AxisMetricsTiming({
axis : JenScript.Axis.AxisSouth,
models : [new JenScript.HourModel({}),new JenScript.DayModel({}),new JenScript.MonthModel({})],
minor : minor,
median : median,
major : major
var westMetrics = new JenScript.AxisMetricsModeled({
axis : JenScript.Axis.AxisWest
var tx1 = new JenScript.TranslatePlugin();
var tpad = new JenScript.TranslatePad();
tx1.registerWidget(new JenScript.TranslateCompassWidget({
ringFillColor : 'pink'
var stockPlugin = new JenScript.StockPlugin({
bearishColor : '#c0392b',
bullishColor : '#2980b9',
stockPlugin.addLayer(new JenScript.CandleStickLayer({
lowHighColor : 'black'
var legend = new JenScript.TitleLegendPlugin({
layout : 'relative',
part : JenScript.ViewPart.Device,
text : 'SLV Fixing',
fontSize : 14,
textColor : 'purple',
xAlign : 'right',
yAlign : 'top',
var loader = new StockLoader(proj1,[2013,2014],function(year,stocks){